Thoracic and Abdominal wall

2 years ago

This brief video tutorial discusses the anatomy of the thoracic and abdominal wall:
0:00​​. Introduction
0.18. Thoracic skeleton (ribs, costal cartilage, sternum)
4:56. Muscles of the trunk wall (intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles ... external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis)
12:15. Fascial layers of the abdominal wall
13:25. Arcuate line
15:01. Intercostal V.A.N. introduction
16:52. Intercostal veins
18:11. Intercostal arteries
19:16. Intercostal nerves
22.09. Umbilical folds
25:26. In-a-Nutshell
25:33​​. Acknowledgements.

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