Vladimir Zelensky Explanations April 9, 2023 (Subtitle)

1 year ago

ℹ️ Source: https://t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official

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📒 Tonight, the Russian army shelled Zaporizhzhia with S-300 missiles.

They hit a house, an apartment building. Three people were inside. A man, a woman and a child - a girl, her name was Iryna, she would have turned 11 this year. She died. The man died too. My condolences... The woman is in critical condition, in the hospital, she is being provided with medical care.

This is how the terrorist state spends this Palm Sunday. This is how Russia puts itself in even greater isolation from the world, from humanity.

Every bright Christian holiday teaches us that we may not know how, but we must be sure that evil will lose. We have to believe. And we believe. We must bring the defeat of evil closer. And we are bringing it closer. And the world stands with us. Every month, every week, support is increased, the circle of those who support us, who support our grit and our faith in life, increases.

Glory to all Ukrainian heroes! To everyone who is now in battle! To everyone who is currently in combat positions or fulfilling missions!
Eternal and bright memory to all those who gave their lives protecting the lives of Ukraine and Ukrainians!

May next year's Palm Sunday pass in peace and freedom for all our people!
May the sincere prayers for peace of all who celebrate Easter today be heard!

Glory to Ukraine!

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Communication; mfsa_33_@hotmail.com

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