Pristine Earth Pristine Body Meditation.

1 year ago

This remastered meditation (originally uploaded April 2021) is designed to assist Starseeds at this time in three ways:

1. To revitalise the physical body and etheric body by bringing in pristine elemental energies from a past pristine earth (Pliocene Age).
2. To strengthen the body's immune system by connecting with a Future Self that has learnt to neutralise the effects of harmful man-made radiation.
3. To invoke three elements from the Crystalline grid of our ascending earth to protect against harmful man-made radiation. These elements are light infused silver-nickel, copper and lead.

**Please note** The symbol of AA Raphael is now a crystal wand.

Music by Katie James.
“This track has the intention to create a crystalline container around the body and energetic field. The crystal bowls incorporated are the Master Healer; Quartz Crystal. Androgynous Indium, for balancing masculine and feminine energy channels and the left/right brain. Citrine, for promoting child-like wonder and joy within the Spirit, with the ultimate essence of connecting one to their Original Divine Blueprint. The frequency is based on supporting the immune system to normalize and balance its operation, feeding the mind/ body a miriad of ultra healing frequencies, giving the vital signals to support total wellbeing. This track has rhythmic pulses which slow down the mind, and trigger our innate self-healing capabilities. A light-hearted energy to bring about the relaxation response, so you can feel supported, lifted and remember the true feeling of Health, Wellbeing and Home.”

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