Ancestral Heartbreak Transmission: Releasing Ancient Blocks/Limits to Love.

1 year ago

This transmission clears your body and energy fields of lower 3D ancestral energies. It opens a doorway to one of the bloodlines where we explore and clear core patterns, programs and stories that are limiting you in the area of love and relationships that have their roots in the bloodline.

**** PLEASE NOTE **** Only one line can be cleared at a time so this transmission will need to be repeated to cover both lines.

In this transmission we explore some core ideas that have their roots in the bloodline such as:
•I believe I am flawed, unlovable, not deserving of love. That I am not enough. Not worthy enough. Not attractive enough. That I am not allowed to be happy and fulfilled.
•I feel afraid of being vulnerable or taking a risk in love. I fear being hurt. I fear I will be betrayed, jilted, abandoned.
•I have a belief that love does not last. That it will all end in tears. That I cannot be happy without a partner.
•I have a deep belief that I have been abandoned by God/Goddess All That Is.

This transmission calls Angelic Support including Archangel Azrael and Angels holding the blueprint of the Rose Quartz Crystal and also Angels holding the blueprint of Wild White Rose. Also, Solar Angels and Angels of Love to clear the bloodline plus the Deep ancestors who are beyond all pain and suffering.

Music by Chris Collins - Beyond the Stars.
Artwork by - Viatoris_Dux (Shogyz)
Mandala visual digitally produced by Mandala Effect at The Multidimensional Show, UK.
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