Ascension News: Angels, Fairies and Elementals.

1 year ago

**Please note** In this track will be presenting three exercises to help you connect with the Nature Kingdom.

"Today I want to share some ideas on the Nature Kingdom which includes Angels, Fairies and Elementals. As we will see, nature is very much alive and we could call the alive and conscious kingdom of nature the Devic Kingdom. Also, our physical bodies are part of the Devic Kingdom. I will explain more about all of this shortly.....

From rock to human and beyond, for each level of being, there’s a level of Devic consciousness operating. From the tiniest atom or cell within a lifeform, these basic building blocks of physical life join together in greater and greater combinations, forming more complex forms. As these complex forms evolve, higher levels of Devic intelligence operate to oversee the overall function of that form, for example a flower, plant or a tree. The beings working at the smallest level we could call elementals and those at higher levels we could call Fairies or Nature Spirits. Of course the names we give these beings are not so important what is important is the understanding that these beings work at different levels. At the higher levels Devic beings work with Angelic architects of form who are responsible for the evolution of matter making small adjustments to forms to optimise their ability to grow and thrive in the environment they exist in. For instance, elemental beings of light can be found working within the various parts of an individual oak tree and at higher levels the nature spirits guide this work. At higher levels the Angel Architect working with the whole species of oak directs the evolution of the oak tree."

Music by…
Sefy Tofan (Anima Mundi) called Under the Ground.

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