
1 year ago

This brief video tutorial discusses the femur and its bony landmarks:
0:00​​. Intro to femur
0:29. Head of femur and fovea capitis
0:52. Neck of femur
1:10. Greater trochanter
1:41. Lesser trochanter
1:59. Intertrochanteric line
2:17. Intertrochanteric crest
2:40. Gluteal tuberosity
3:00. Linea aspera
3:33. Medial condyle and lateral condyle
3:53. Intercondylar notch
4:18. Adductor tubercle
4:49. Medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle
5:23. Patellar surface
5:31. Patella
5:49. In-a-Nutshell
5:54​​. Acknowledgements

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