Who's Who in Bristol. EP 3: MEET GABOSMEDIA.

1 year ago

Who's Who in Bristol. EP 3: MEET GABOSMEDIA.

The person we refer to as G.A.B.O.S sits down with his longtime friend, our other co-founder, who we have interacted with frequently on this platform, since we believe this will result in the finest interview possible between the two co-founders, who know one another better than anyone else, to share the history of not just G.A.B.O.S. but also RBR.

We talk to Gabos about his illustrious career, his battles with epilepsy, how he learned to manage the condition as a father and a creative entrepreneur, how he began his career and where it has led him, the birth and development of our beloved platform RECAPS BLOGS REVIEWS, and some of his high-profile collaborators, including Snoop Dogg and URL battle Rappers as well as local rappers who have gotten their brands and clothing from his company.

It has taken over ten years to conduct this interview.
We are incredibly grateful that Gabos chose to use the platform where he helped create a viral sensation right here at RECAPS BLOGS AND REVIEWS rather than one of the many platforms that were interested in interviewing him.

This is a big milestone for him and our platform, so subscribe to the channel and leave some love in the comments.

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