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Rxjs concepts

1 year ago

RxJs is a powerful library for reactive programming in JavaScript, which provides a way to handle asynchronous data streams and event-based programming in a more functional and declarative way. Here are some of the key concepts in RxJs:

Observables: An Observable is a representation of a stream of data or events that can be observed over time. Observables can emit multiple values, errors, or complete signals to subscribers, which can handle these events asynchronously.

Operators: Operators are functions that can be used to transform, filter, merge, or combine Observables. Operators are used to compose complex data flows from simpler ones, and can be chained together to create powerful and flexible data processing pipelines.

Subjects: Subjects act as both an observer and an Observable, allowing developers to multicast data to multiple subscribers. A Subject can emit new values and broadcast them to all subscribers, and can also act as a listener that receives and processes new data from Observables.

Schedulers: Schedulers provide a way to manage concurrency and scheduling of Observable subscriptions and operations. A Scheduler can be used to control the execution context of Observables, allowing developers to specify when and how often data is emitted, or how often subscriptions are made.

Subscription: A Subscription is a handle to a stream of data, which can be used to unsubscribe from the stream or cancel it altogether. Subscriptions allow developers to manage the lifecycle of Observables, and prevent memory leaks by properly disposing of unused streams.

Overall, RxJs provides developers with a powerful set of tools and concepts for building reactive and scalable applications, enabling them to handle asynchronous data streams and event-based programming in a more elegant and efficient way.


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