10 Minutes Tabata work out Exercise

1 year ago


Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Today, we're going to talk about Tabata workouts, a great way to get in shape and burn some calories in just a short amount of time. In this video, I'm going to take you through a Tabata workout that you can do in just 10 minutes, so let's get started!

First, let's talk about what Tabata workouts are. Tabata is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for a total of 8 rounds (4 minutes in total). The idea is to work as hard as you can during those 20 seconds and then rest during the 10 seconds before doing it all again.

Tabata workouts are great for those who are short on time but still want to get a great workout in. The intense nature of the workout means that you'll be burning calories not only during the workout but for hours after as well.

Now let's get into the workout. We're going to be doing four exercises, each for 4 minutes (8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off). You'll need a timer for this workout, so make sure you have one handy.

Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks
For the first exercise, we're going to be doing jumping jacks. Start by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump your feet out to the sides while raising your arms overhead. Jump your feet back together while lowering your arms back to your sides. Repeat this motion for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

Exercise 2: Squat Jumps
For the second exercise, we're going to be doing squat jumps. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Lower your body into a squat position, keeping your weight in your heels. Explosively jump up as high as you can, then land back in the squat position. Repeat this motion for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

Exercise 3: Mountain Climbers
For the third exercise, we're going to be doing mountain climbers. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet together. Bring your right knee up to your chest, then quickly switch legs, bringing your left knee up to your chest and your right leg back. Repeat this motion as quickly as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

Exercise 4: Burpees
For the final exercise, we're going to be doing burpees. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop down into a squat position, placing your hands on the ground in front of you. Jump your feet back into a plank position, then immediately jump your feet back up to your hands. Jump up as high as you can, then land back in the squat position. Repeat this motion for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

That's it! You've completed the Tabata workout. Remember, the key to this workout is to push yourself as hard as you can during the 20 seconds of exercise. If you're not feeling challenged, increase the intensity or the number of reps.

Tabata workouts are a great way to get in shape and burn some calories in just a short amount of time. Incorporate them into your regular workout routine to keep things fresh and challenging.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

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