Remote Viewing Moksha The enforced reincarnation cycle

1 year ago

4 Remote Viewers got surprisingly similar results on how and why we are trapped in the reincarnation cycle. Unexpected corroboration is found below this video froa double NDE testimony.
Double NDE man repeats the same dark MOKSHA theme that our suffering is harvested to benefit anothetr race of beings without our knowledge. So our suffering is engineered to produce a product. We have been for a long time kept in a lowered stae of ascension, barbarism, to feed another race's needs. Timed video clip here
they had given me all this education about energy harvesting, about beings that exist in realms that we can't
see that are just made up of this energy and they want to survive. So they're gonna cycle through humanity, humanity and push them into a lower want to keep them in a lower state of being, like humanity not being aware of it, ascension. They
also taught me about the Trinity being a circuit of energy, three points that we can connect, to form a field around us and have
And earlier 7 mins 41
They spoke about I don't know should I touch on
enters ENERGY HARVESTING. Yeah, please. Ascension. They spoke about a time period on the planet where humanity is going to need to evolve its spirit to survive. expand into more of a divine higher self consciousness that breeds more compassion, unity and oneness, rather than suffer separation, war and suffering. They said they would be back for that. And, you know, I'm like, as I'm watching these memories as I gained access to..............
Whole video
Clinically Dead Man Shown Creation Blueprint & The Quantum World (NDE) | Steven Noack

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