UN Secretary-General Declares War on Disinformation

1 year ago

UN Secretary-General Declares War on Disinformation: "We Must Lock Up Free Thinkers!"

The United Nations has declared war on the spreaders of so-called "misinformation" and called on governments around the world to punish individuals who spread views that are not in line with the mainstream.

Addressing the General Assembly in New York on Monday, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres called misinformation and disinformation a means of spreading "hate" online.

"We will call for action from all those who influence the spread of misinformation and disinformation online - governments, regulators, policymakers, technology companies, the media and civil society," Guterres said.

"Stop the hate. Create strong guardrails. Be accountable for speech that causes harm."

Infowars.com reports: In other words, the U.N. doesn't care about free speech or free expression protections enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens' right to free speech.

The UN's efforts will undoubtedly encourage big-tech companies to remove and block users who hold dissenting opinions and challenge predetermined narratives from their platforms in order to silence critics of the UN's New World Order agenda.

The UN Secretary General's declaration of war on freedom of expression comes at a time when the UN's World Health Organization has also released its "international pandemic treaty," which calls on member states to "address false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including by promoting international cooperation."

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