CaliBased Episode 6 (Easter Special) - What Is a Woman, Seriously?

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Welcome to CaliBased. The show where we talk about all the things that make Californians uncomfortable.
On the Menu Tonight:
-Riley Gaines is based AF
-California Crime out of Control
-Daniel Perry Convicted
-Leaked Ukraine files

I'm a tradesman that was fired, in February of 2023, for refusing to wear a paper mask on a Construction site in San Francisco. I made a video talking about it, and it went mega viral. I ended up on Tucker, InfoWars, and OAN. Now I'm basically un-hirable in California, within my field. That's how the tolerant left works. So, I decided to speak very loudly about all the things that are destroying this state. If you enjoy my content, and would like to support my work, please use the links below:

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