Jews or no Jews Government has been doing it since the dawn of Civilization

1 year ago

Folks, this is what the Jewishness and chosenness are all about. But don’t you worry! This is not unique to "the Jews vs the Palestinians." Have you seen the Hamas and Palestinian Authority thugs beating up their Palestinians? How about your own government thugs beating up you and your fellow citizens? It's the nature of government and its thugs. This soon will come and be normal in the whole Western world with beautiful name: “the 20 minute City.” It's all in the communist text book!

I still remember vividly how life in Vietnam after the Vietcong thugs took over the whole country in 1975. Everyone must have a special written permission to leave his/her own village/suburb to enter the next village/suburb. And every government thug would have the power to stop anyone at anytime, anywhere to search and seizure anything, everything they deem “suspicious” or “illegal.” This "law" has been put in dormant for the sake of “new market economy Doi Moi” but is still there and active during the Plandemic! Sound familiar? Still fresh isn't it?

But don’t be surprised, this also is coming to the West as normal very soon with the state of the art AI technology: the digital IDs, CBDCs, Health/Vax International Digital Passport. And don’t forget that government “democratic” thugs will have … uhmm…already have more “democratic” power to stop anyone at anytime anywhere to search and seizure anything, everything they deem “suspicious” or “illegal” and even to break into citizens' home, beat people up, and even shoot people with immunity!

Oh! It's for the state security and for people own good!

I always love the way the Western people dreaming melancholy and proudly about their “democracy and rule of law.” Very few of them in the West, especially in "the land of the free and the home of the brave” are aware that they already had a law called “civil forfeiture”... until it hits their own face! Even three years of cowardly submission to brutal lockdowns, mandatory muzzle wearing and mandatory clotshot injection like everyone else's around the world did not wake them up! Still being full of themselves dreaming of benevolent government and keep voting even harder!

Anyway, Yeah! Only the Talmudic Jews do that to Palestinians! Only the Chinese Commies do that to their own! Only third world dictators do that to their own! This won’t happen in the civilized West with "strong" benevolent governments and politicians who would "sacrifice" their own comfort and come forward to serve the nation and the people!

The words of the late George Carlin still ring true: "It's called the Benevolent Government Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it” :-) (Sorry George for paraphrasing your words!)

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