
1 year ago
Purple to lavender

Transparent. pointed crystals. Maybe geode, cluster. or single point. All sizes

One of the most common crystals

United States, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia, India

Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration.

It guards against psychic attacks, transmuting the energy into love.

A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks geopathic stress and negative environmental energies.

Its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation.

Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness.

Traditionally, it was worn to prevent drunkenness and has a sobering effect on overindulgence and physical passions, supporting sobriety.

It overcomes addictions and blockages of all kinds.

Amethyst is extremely beneficial to the mind, calming or stimulating as appropriate.

When you meditate, it turns thoughts away from the mundane into tranquility and deeper understanding.

Mentally, it helps you feel less scattered, more focused, and in control of your faculties.

It enhances the assimilation of new ideas and connects cause with effect.

This stone facilitates the decision-making process, bringing in common sense and spiritual insights, and putting decisions and insights into practice.

Mentally, it calms and synthesizes, and aids the transmission of neural signals through the brain.

It is helpful where insomnia is caused by an overactive mind and protects against recurrent nightmares.

Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation, making you more able to set realistic goals.

It can help you to remember and understand dreams and facilitates the visualization process.

Amethyst balances out highs and lows, promoting emotional centering.

It dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety.

Alleviating sadness and grief, it supports coming to terms with loss.

Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, giving insights into its true nature, and encouraging selflessness
and spiritual wisdom.

It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts.

This is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying and can be placed on the third eye to stimulate it.

Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates out-of body experiences and brings intuitive dreams.

It transmutes ” lower” energies to the higher frequencies of the spiritual and etheric realms.

Amethyst boosts the production of hormones and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism.

It strengthens the cleansing and elimination of organs and the immune system.

An excellent cleanser for the blood, Amethyst relieves physical, emotional, and psychological pain or stress, and blocks geopathic stress.

It eases headaches and releases tension.

This stone reduces bruising, injuries, and swellings, and treats hearing disorders.

It heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and diseases of the digestive tract.

It is beneficial for the intestines, regulating flora, removing parasites, and encouraging reabsorption of water.

Amethyst treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.

At a subtle level, Amethyst balances and connects the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual.

It cleanses the aura and transmutes negative energy, and stimulates the throat and crown chakras.

It is helpful for people about to make the transition through death.

Amethyst can stabilize psychiatric conditions but should not be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia.

Wear or place as appropriate, especially as jewelry.

Clusters and geodes can be placed in the environment and single points are used in healing.

Place the point in toward you to draw in energy, and away from you to draw off energy.

Amethyst is especially beneficial worn over the throat or heart.

For insomnia or nightmares, place them under the pillow.

Amethyst fades in sunlight.

In addition to the generic properties, the following colors and forms have additional properties:

Violet-lavender Amethyst has a particularly high vibration.

Double-terminated lilac crystals take you into beta bra in waves.

They also stimulate and then calm the throat and heart chakras.

Violet “flowers” bring light and love into the environment.

Chevron Amethyst is one of the best third-eye* stimulators.

It enhances inner, intuitive vision and outer, physical vision, and out-of-body journeys.

It has powerfully focused energy that dissipates and repels negativity.

This stone cleanses the aura and aids in auric diagnosis.

It has a strong healing field, bringing harmony to the organs of the body and stimulating the immune system.

It helps you to find and implement a positive answer to any problem.

Pineapple Amethyst has small nodules covering the sides above which emerge the termination points.

Looking like the turrets of a castle in a fairytale, it facilitates contact with the mythic and fairytale realms and stimulates the imagination.

It is a powerful archetypal healer for family and collective myths.

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