Prince Among Slaves -Encoded English Subs - Full Movie-Documentary

1 year ago

Abdul-Rahman Ibn Ibrahima Sori (1762–1829).
Born in the capital Timbo, Abdul Rahman was an African Prince of Futa Jallon, region of Guinea, West Africa.
He was ambushed and captured, sold to slave traders, and brought to the USA, in Natchez, Mississippi in 1788, at the age of 26, where he labored on the cotton plantations of Thomas Foster for more than 38 years, before gaining his freedom.
In 1794, he married Isabella, another slave of Foster's, and became a father of a vast family: five sons and four daughters.
After knowing his high lineage, his master Thomas Foster began calling him "Prince", a name he kept until his final days.
After spending 40 years in slavery, he was freed, in 1828, with his wife Isabella, by order of U.S. President, John Quincy Adams, and the Secretary of State, Henry Clay, after the Sultan of Morocco reclaimed his release.

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