Live Chat with Paul; -122- GUFON the worse debunker liar + more UFO vids

1 year ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! UFO vids , GUFON the repeat offender
and biggest liar on YT UFO field.
[00:03:00] (1c) Paul talks about bees honey for bad tummy on empty
stomach and Gabber Roo joins on voice chat side and talks about
David Wilcock hover car BS.
[00:09:00] (1d) Whos Gay in UFOLOGY and still in the closet LOL
but talk more on it later as well
[00:15:00] (1e) Pauls been busy adding TOTC on spotify and Apple podcasts
[00:22:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - GUFON attacks Paul again and still a repeat
offender going on about a debunk being wrong cos of the wrong house
on the same LA hill.. the main debunk was my analysis showing glass
edges and reflections mostly in the same spot Alien Addicts debunk had
which backs up my analysis.
[01:06:00] (2b) Cut it off not Out.. Small chat about alien sex and more
on gays in Ufology etc.
[01:23:00] (2c) Ghost box and EVPs and faraday cage to block FM from
outside room - Side tracked talk when Arden Paranormal joined side chat.
[01:30:00] (3) GUFON promoting a UFO Ad Balloon from MrMBB333
[01:34:00] (3b) Gabber argues/debates Paul if UFOs tilt or travel at
crazy angles and upside down.
[02:10:00] (3c) Paul looks up the original video thats not zoomed in
and cropped and finds other similar Ad balloon UFOs as examples
[02:35:00] (3d) How can light be a particle and wave at the same time
[02:40:00] (4) Flock of Geese is being push virally as fleet of UFOs
[02:46:30] (5) Moon is upside down in Aus/NZ compared to USA/UK
view of it.
[02:52:00] (5b) Gigapan of LROC images from 2009 576megabyles of
all images stitched by a Uni. Pre-google moon. How can use it
to compare Gabbers moon Anomalies to the Higher res of moon location
to see if its a real object or bright rock if its not on the 2009 images
[02:56:00] (5c) Gabber swears on air and Paul asks him to stop it and
blames Paul for mixing up his images and claims of a TR3b on the moon
and storms off voice chat.
[03:20:10] (6) Paul has a small break for toilet break.
[03:26:00] (7) Mick West debunk on Ukraine UAPs.. Paul analyzes live and
shows its not seeds but most likely balloons with radar decoy reflectors
since its in a military zone/war zone.. Dropped by Jets to mess up missiles?
and floated away.
[04:15:00] (7b) Paul looks over the Observatory analysis and charts
to see if they are correct in sizes .. but was confusing as covered all
4 UAP videos of different things.. like possible meteors, balloons and
other stuff.

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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