Ep 22 | Policing Problems and Solutions

1 year ago

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The world needs good men. The world needs dangerous men. The world needs capable and spiritual men. The world needs men who have a heart for God, and a desire to change the world for the better.
Men must have solutions that are reasonable. Men must also have solutions that they can reason through, and then they must accept the solutions and take action or they will remain stuck for long periods of time; do not refuse to accept a sound answer.

I discuss the current political climate and its effects on Law Enforcement training, and morale with 2 active and 2 retired LEOs. We discuss defunding the police, the rise in crime, attacks on LEOs and the anti-police culture in America. Chris Tran; 15 years with a large agency in the PacNW, juvenile probation for 5 prior to that. Currently assigned to a Joint Enforcement Team that regulates the nighttime economy in his city. Prior assignments include patrol, pro-act mountain bike teams, community policing, and some UC stints for a couple other units. Part-time trainer for DT, tactics, and fireaarms. Chuck Porter was 6 years USMC (Air Wing), 15 years LE in S. Carolina. Most of his time was spent in Uniform Patrol, 3 years in Gang Unit. Retired to run his apparel company which he later sold to Ranger Up. 6 years doing live talk radio with a focus on LE and veteran issues and current events. His YouTube channel is ChuckU Weaponized Academia. Kurt Delia 30yr LEO SWAT NARC homicide DoD contractor CEO Delia Tactical. 15 years LE experience, large metropolitan agency with several specialties. Instructor. Additional mil experience. Riggs has 15 years LE experience, large metropolitan agency with several specialties. Instructor. Additional mil experience.

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