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09.04.23: EPISODE#3, ZAR CommAnalyst on Uganda Anti-Gay Bill.

1 year ago

09.04.23: EPISODE#3, ZaR Current Report with CommAnalyst.
Uganda Anti-Gay Bill, International Outrage, Cancel Culture Activated, Democracy inAction. What About The Gold Reserves Recently Discovered in UGANDA? BRICS

It's a jungle out there if you get your information from the mainstream media, let's call them professional perception manipulators and they are relentless in pursuit of their mission to keep us misinformed. What a joke. The world is in the fast lane to the insane asylum, and that's insulting to the asylum. I wonder if I am the only one noticing what is happening in the world today.

When I view this situation and apply some critical thinking that has since been long abandoned by today's society, rather let me put it as it is. It seems the West and by that I mean countries influenced by the five eyes agenda, reported by the media they control - America, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada - call them what you will, the hypocrites, the bullies on this global sandpit.

Since, I made it a point to not engage with their propaganda, brainwashing machine to hear what the arguments on one side are, these days that's all you going to get. It is completely insane, it is clear manipulation, I am beginning to think that this is intentional to drive a specific agenda.

Let's balance this equation, hopefully, we don't get canceled… .

Recently, Uganda passed an anti-gay bill, and it has sparked a global conversation about human rights, democracy, and respect for individual freedoms. Some have criticized Uganda's decision, while others have supported it, arguing that it is a reflection of the will of the Ugandan people.

As an African, I believe that it is essential to understand the cultural, social, and economic factors that have shaped Uganda's decision. Uganda is a sovereign nation, and its people have spoken.It is not for outsiders to impose their values and beliefs on them. People need to understand that we all people believe what you believe.


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