Did DJT go into the lower parts of the earth-the DUMBS

1 year ago

Did DJT go into the lower parts of the earth-the DUMBS

About the video
The Warrior Angel Network ~ Where Are All The Children? What Are D.U.M.B.S.?
Link to FULL INTERVIEW: https://rumble.com/v2eg3hw-where-are-all-the-children-what-are-d.u.m.b.s..html

Deep Underground Military Bases

Katy Groves
Survivor Getty DUMBS

Malachi 4:3
The prisoners of the DUMBS will leap about like calves being let out of their enclosure. Kicking their heels and snorting in exhilaration.

Under Ground Tunnels Have Been Used For Thousands Of Years

Phil Schneider
Explaining DUMBS
Conspiracy Theories No More
Where Hell Really Does Exist

Ryan Baumber
Healthcare Satanic Ritual Torture Survivor & Human Organ Trafficking Survivor.

Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon Was The Wife Of King George VI is a Man and a Pedovor.
One who devours children.

And supposed mother of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Who knows QE2 may have been a man also.

Many witches are men who are dressed ip in women’s clothes.
Dressing in garish garb, circus clowns (drag queens), or in clothes traditionally belonging to the other gender is a type of magic.
A slight of hand; or in this case slight of gender. An adept gender bender is someone who can fool you, so that you assume/believe a lie.
Being able to make the Goyim believe a lie, is a family trait of the Cain bloodline.
Our entire worldview is built on a great big LIE. Some of our friends and loved ones continue to live in the matrix.

Raquel Welch Thinks Mae West Was a Man: "She resembled a dock worker in ...

The Raquel Welch Effect –
He Who Says It; Is It!

Jennifer Lopez is a man

J.Lo's latest selfie has people thinking they see a man in the ... - Today

I cover this in depth in
Two Kinds Of People

Ephesians 4:9 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+4%3A9&version=AMP
Lower parts of the earth; DUMBs, caves and haunts of evil spirits.
President Trump signed an Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious ...
This Executive Order strikes at the heart of the pedophilia, hueman trafficking, organ harvesting and the adrenochrome highway.

I believe it is not too far to reach to say; this scripture is about Donald Trump going into the inner parts of the earth.
Ephesians 4:9 (repeated)
9 (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had previously descended [from the heights of heaven] into the lower parts of the earth?

Donald Trump is playing a part. Some people see him as a master tactician, leader, politician, negotiator, general, warrior, statesman, and a businessman.
I see him in all of those positions, and even the Son of Man.

I am not advocating worship. I am asking to entertain the idea.

Psalm 80:17
Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand,
Upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself.

DUMBS Ukraine
Short Read and Pictures

DUMBS in Pennsylvania
Short Read and Pictures

Special Forces Cleaning Out DUMBS

20 Million Kids from DUMBS
As of April 6, 2023

Revelation 18:2
Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a dungeon haunted by every unclean spirit, and a prison for every unclean and loathsome bird.

These are the 34 Babylon sites that must be reduced to rubble. Why?
Each of these sites is a seat of Satanic Ritual Abuse Power.

Destroyed how? With the same weapon that destroyed the Georgia Guide Stones.
Rods of God. Search it.
34 Sites to be destroyed

THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA — https://rumble.com/v25m8hd--the-secret-story-of-the-khazarian-mafia-how-zionists-infiltrated-the-world.html

The Khazarian Mafia- Ukrainian Army is now fighting the Russians in Ukraine.
Ukrainian service members wear the swastika as part of their insignia. (卐)
The USAinc is supporting NAZIS and the Russian Federation (not the Communist Soviet Russia) is fighting the Nazis and the US. Russia is on the right side of history in this War for Huemanity.

There is a legend among local residents of Ukraine. That says, there is mountain called ‘Devil’s Hill’ that houses a very old demon.
I have asked in numerous posts; do you think the Russians will find a very old demon hiding in a cave?

Phil Schneider
Alien Threat

Walmart DUMBS

Under Walmart

Blowing Up Tunnels

Clean Out The DUMBS
Read and Pictures

Luke 4:18-19
Sets The Prisoners Free
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy),
Who more so than the innocents’ who have been threefold crushed in the DUMBS.

I am waiting to hear the stories of the slaves, in their cages, seeing a LIGHT visitor, with healings in his wings. The Spirit of God walking among the cages.
Reference Malachi 4:2

A soft glowing orb who would pass among the batteries of cages. A soft golden orb of pure life and light wafting on the airwaves among the innocents. They are being rescued as we write.

Speaking of the golden orb - How many times have we given up hope of a rescue. Until at the last possible moment God steps in.
That’s his modus operandi, that’s the way he works. He works on the same principle as; the thing you’re looking for, is always in the last place you look!

And when the soles of priests touch the water the water parted.
Happened twice, why not three times?
Reference Exodus 14:15-22
Joshua 3:5-17 through 4:1-18

2 corinthians 10:4 - (For the weapons of our warfare are not ...
The reason our weapons are not kinetic, because this is a spiritual battle. We say this is an ‘information war’ when in reality we mean this is a ‘spiritual war’.

I trust there are some among us, who make prayer holy work?
The real battle is always fought in “the realms above and beyond us” before those eventualities play out here. Simple, little puny man, can and does influence Heaven and Hell!
That’s why the old time Christians put a premium on prayer and finding the “Mind of God.”

I cover the “Mind/Will of God” in this lesson under “Finding and Doing God’s Will.”
If you have not read it. This an excellent opportunity. The information is always in the description box.
God’s Will.Be Done

Trump is playing the part of Son Of Man in this generation.

Plan to save the world
Are you ready to serve your country again?
Remember your oath.

If you have enjoyed this presentation, encourage your friends and family to follow this channel too. Please follow brozme on Rumble.
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Bits and pieces of what I find interesting.
Be Bright
Be Faithful
Be Thankful
Be True
Be Well

Building A New World

The Moody Blues
Days Of Future Past

What will happen to the former slaves of the DUMBS?
Possibly the survivors of the DUMBS will become the Receptors of the Truth in the New Earth and in the New Heaven
Money is no longer an issue.
What will you worry about then?
The new currency in the New World is • • • LOVE

The Zombies
“Time of the season

Matthew 6:24

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