My Very First Airbnb Guest Was A Great Experience, Andy From Beijing

1 year ago

Since I started my boarding house, thought Airbnb, I have had some pretty amazing experiences with so many different people. Mostly rewarding stories but some interesting or down right crazy! If you have something you are curious about please ask in the comments and I will get back to you!

Before the planned demic I was getting all young people from other countries doing internships with School of Mines in Golden, CO, Martin and Martin Lakewood CO and most of all NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratories in Golden CO also. These young people were gracious, kind, curious and wanted to make friends as they had never been to the USA before. So they all started cooking and eating and going places together. Some even enjoyed hanging out and chatting with me.

We started having a Friday afternoon club and I would have the people from my other house over as well. We would do pot luck then play games. They all really enjoyed getting to know others from other areas of the world, just like myself. It was great!

The we had the Covid thing happen and our country closed down. To this day I believe we are still one of the hardest country's to get into unless you walk across the southern boarder. If you want to talk about that? Lets chat about it here. Leave a comment
I wasn't sure if this was going to still work for me but kept my rooms listed active on Airbnb. Well it did work but what a difference in guests. While I still did get young engineers there were more older people in transition and people moving to different areas of the country. Americans are so different then foreigners

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