Archery Turkey Wisconsin 2018

1 year ago

The first 50 seconds is at a higher speed so you can see the video in less time, then 4 minutes at regular speed, then another 1.5 minutes sped up, then a slow motion of the shot, and then a double slow motion of the shot, and a final picture. You’ll see two nice tom’s, I want them to come in closer, but they never do. I take the shot at 32 yards and was about 3” too high, I should have kept trying to get them in closer, but you know how that goes, shoulda-woulda-coulda. After the shot the tom’s never came any closer than 50 yards. There are two great short clips of the shot at the end, one in slow motion, and one in super slow motion. Below are the addresses my YouTube channel which I no longer have access to, my Instagram page, HRI Services welding Facebook page, and my Facebook page Outdoor Pursuits.

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