1 year ago

New INCREDIBLY GOOD interview with Ed Dowd by Maria Zeee! Edward Dowd joins Maria Zeee to discuss the orchestrated collapse of the financial system, CBDC's and the exploding rate of excess deaths across multiple countries which he and his team of analysts have compiled for the world to see and share.

“Let’s just step back for a second and pretend that the vaccine isn’t doing this. Whatever Australia and these other countries have done as a response to covid has resulted in more deaths, so whatever the “health policies” were, they've been disastrous. Anybody associated with health policy decision-making or government lawmaker that was involved should be gone — resign. BUT, the [excess] deaths really started with the vaccine, so the vaccine response has been disastrous. I’m of the opinion that we have a pandemic [of vax-induced death] right now, full stop.

“People ask me, “Is this a depopulation plan?” and I go, “Well I wasn’t in the room, so I don’t know, but right now we have a de-facto depopulation of the western countries. The numbers as they are will result in a depopulation event. That’s all you need to know.”

“This is classic Babylonian school ‘how do you control large populations’ — you get the pitchfork people to think that the torch people want their pitchforks and then they fight each other while you sit up in the castle and laugh. … Pandora’s box has already been opened up with the vaccine, so this kabuki theater with Trump doesn’t bother me that much because we just poisoned 5 Billion people in the world. So the biggest issue in my mind is, we have to alert the 5 Billion people who’ve been poisoned, that their immune systems have been depressed and there are things we can do to heal them. Then once they figure out that they’ve been poisoned, they’ll wake up and go down the “red pill” journey on their own and they wake up and we change the world. Once everyone realizes that they’ve been poisoned by their governments, then things change.” — Ed Dowd



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