The Key To Solve Systemic Evil | Dr. Philip Zimbardo

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Dr. Philip Zimbardo, one of the world's most famous psychologists, gave an exclusive interview for the Creative Society project.

Dr. Philip Zimbardo is an American psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University. Worldwide, known for conducting the Stanford experiment, also of notable works like The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil and also founder and president of the Heroic Imagination Project.

In this interview you'll learn:
🔻 people are not evil, but there is something else that makes people make wrong decisions
🔻 why is it important to have media to present more positive stories
🔻 what is one of the biggest evils in the world
🔻 how the shift from egocentrism to sociocentrism will change everything
🔻 ordinary people are capable of extraordinary actions

🌍 Creative Society project unites millions of people around the globe with the aim to build a secure and comfortable world for everyone. It is our common chance to change the future so that we thrive as a united Human civilization. Friends, join in the initiative of millions of people already building the Creative Society:
🌐 Official website of the CREATIVE SOCIETY project:

We invite all our viewers to watch the international online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want To Live". It presents questions that already concern everyone – how is it possible that having technologies to produce water, grow food efficiently, and even print human organs, we still have people who die of thirst, starvation, or become victims of the organ trade. What is the extent of the crisis we are facing as humanity and how can we become a human civilization? Only together we can address the extent of the global crisis we are in: environmental, climatic, economic, social, and especially the crisis of humanity.

🌍 “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want To Live” | International Online Forum on May 7th, 2022:

🌍 “Creative Society. Questions and Answers”:

🌍 “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity” | International Online Forum on November 12th, 2022:

#CreativeSociety #Zimbardo #evil #egocentrism #sociocentrism #heroes

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