Does The Electability Argument Need To End?

1 year ago

Do Democrats need to stop considering electability when picking candidates in the primary?

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Hi, this is Chris from Northern Virginia. Chris from Northern Virginia. what's on your mind? Got a lot of Virginia calls. Oh yeah. I've been calling for a while you said something a couple of weeks ago about Marianne Williamson. That you wouldn't vote for her if she had a chance to win the primary election because she wouldn't have a chance to win the general election. Do you remember that? I don't know if I said that. I mean I don't. I don't know what I said. to be honest with you. Oh but I mean well anyway I mean she I would prefer there was a different standard Bearer than her for those positions. But I am definitely open to supporting her in the primary. You know at the very least I think it's important that she's in there raising these issues. Do I think that she has a chance to win a primary or the general election I don't at this point? But go ahead. Oh no, it was more just about electoral politics in primaries. I think I feel like a lot of times the reason a lot of people voted for Joe Biden is that they thought he had a better chance to beat Trump. And I feel like that's the case. Don't you? Yeah, I do I just think that that's something that we people should move away from. Because that's always going to lead us toward the moderate. We'll never have a progressive. Well I mean to be honest with you I think that Bernie Sanders was equally electable. Yeah but I think the thing that brought Biden over to join late was that he was so much more electable. He was such a safer bet. That was the perception you're saying from voters. But how are we supposed to change that perception during that period? You're saying that you all should not think about electoral electability in the general. We were making this case then because Bernie was running. We're not making this case now because Marianne Williamson's running because I don't think she's electable. But he's saying that we should ignore the question of electability for a general election. But that's not something we're not the people that this case needs to be made to. The point is that we were making the same case that you're making now about Bernie. There's only so much that we can do because we're kind of preaching to the choir about Bernie. The average Normie Democrat has this View. And I don't think it's because of anything that we said in our coverage. I mean maybe I misunderstood the conversation about Marianne Williamson.

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