The battle will continue until the fiction ends,,,

1 year ago

The battle will continue until the fiction ends,,, There is no government,, the few who comprehend this must work smart, to build their own future
So many trying to fight the propaganda or maintain the system of death, or waste valuable time on useless courts
this is not fear porn - this is how they will push the uneducated in to mass destruction
I look back at the last 40 years and the same protests, same courts, all failed, because facts were never presented
Extermination is here now because so many were tuck in stupidity and refused to learn what canada really is,
5 years ago, they had the greatest opportunity to use the planddded-emic to use this waking to a few to educate facts, but fools would not research - history, figured they had it all figured out
Or controlled op , persuaded them into a direction that millions followed--
One only has to discover history of failures, and then stop repeating them - simple to say- but when so many are uneducated - and being following uneducated people - or controlled op agents either or, they all been duped -
The battle is over for billions, the few that survive may one day regain their liberty, hard to say --
5 years wasted on courts, Q, Trump, White hats, underground bunkers, chemtrails, virus that do not exist, MAx (ppc) recall, voting -- all useless in this system
What a mess - a mess - because the leaders of these groups who have no idea what the problem is or how to solve it continued with the same plan that has failed humanity for thousands of years
Invisible man coming, sorry to let you down, many were coming to work with you and end this shit show , but you lost that important opportunity because you were unable to listen - learn- or open to facts, that went against your indoctrination
Experts are not experts, Science is not science 9 look at the global warming scam,,
Critical thinkers, High IQ individuals were silenced , because LOW IQ people could not live with the facts, they were ignorant, and to embarrassed to admit it , EGO , Greed, ME ME ME , and celebrity fame was more important than doing the right thing
No one is your government - you are a man or woman the entire system is built on greed, ME ME ME, well the ME ideology has killed any chance of defeating what is coming now
Even the controlled op agents will be exterminated - no idea what they think they were promised, the predator class looks at these agents for hire as useful tools and they will be exterminated as well
they sold out their own people - and the predator class look at them as what they really are -not trust worthy
Good luck -- wish you all well
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