GENDER WARS: What Research Shows about REALITY

1 year ago

During the last century women in the U.S. have made vast gains in education and participation in the workforce. Women are more likely to graduate from college and graduate school. Many researchers express concern that increasing numbers of men are dropping out of college and out of the workforce. Furthermore, men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide in all adult age groups. Despite their progress in education and in the workplace, many girls and women express feelings of persistent hopelessness and sadness. A toxic social media environment clearly harms both sexes.
Nevertheless, there are positive trends. 96% of youth and young adults (13-24) say that marriage is NOT outdated. 92% say they definitely or probably want to be married some day. Unfortunately, our culture does not offer much positive guidance about how to obtain this goal.
Adult men and women who are married, on average, are healthier, less likely to suffer from domestic violence. They also live longer. Married women are likely to report that sex makes them feel loved, wanted and taken care of. They are less likely to report that having sex makes them feel anxious, scared or guilty.
Fatherless children suffer higher rates of poverty, dropping out school, incarceration, and emotional/behavioral problems. Boys who report a good relationship with their fathers are better able to deal with stress. Youth who have a positive relationship with both their father and mother have greater emotional self-adequacy. Such findings lead to a proposal for the declaration of a human right: Every child on the face of the earth has the right to the association, protection, love and guidance of BOTH of his/her natural parents.
An animated video of the development of a fertilized human egg to birth by Dr. Alexander Tsiaris at Yale Medical School shows an awe-inspiring, some would say miraculous process, affirming the divine value of each human being.

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