The Pfizer modRNA Needle Mandates : A Crime-Against-Humanity Greater Than the Holodomor

1 year ago

In my 3 January 2023 letter to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and ACLI CEO Ms. Susan Neely I suggested that Mr. Edward Dowd be invited to testify before the Florida Grand Jury (See cover letter page 2 of 2, pdf page 6):

The ongoing Pfizer claim, dutifully regurgitated by Cornell University clerk Ms. Martha 'Joe Biden' Pollack (pictured), that the mRNA needle is "safe and effective" was not only a lie, it was illegal to so-state then, as now, while the needle remains under the 11 December 2020 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA, fraudulently spewed by the US Food & Drug Administration, FDA). Please do not hold-your-breath anticipating the US Congress to adjudicate this issue (i.e. do their job).

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