The Burning Bush Told Me To Do It! Time Travel Parody Movie 4/13!

1 year ago

The Burning Bush Told Me To Do It! Time Travel Parody Movie 4/13!
Hit the notification through the movie link at the end of the clip!
Back To The FutureMark! The Creator of Our History!

The year is 2769...
FutureMark stands in Time Travel headquarters with Joanne, his trusty assistant..
Yes, you can probably hear wheezing right now as you read this text…

Joanne is ready to supply FutureMark with his latest missions back in time!
FutureMark has one job, go back in time and create the events that humanity remembers!

I hope you enjoy the real history of humanity,
it was all created by FutureMark and everyone else took the credit!
This is Back To The FutureMark!

Run time 89 Minutes

#backtothefuture #timetravel #scificomedy

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