Tim Witherspoon and Friends on Talkin Fight for the Weekly Boxing Panel 118

1 year ago

Our group of panelists, including Tim Witherspoon, provide another weekly roundup of boxing headlines and an array of updates about upcoming bouts and boxers - and share current events and news with the many fans across the world that enjoy the great sport of Boxing!

Our group of panelists, including Tim Witherspoon, provide another weekly roundup of boxing headlines and an array of updates about upcoming bouts and boxers - and share current events and news with the many fans across the world that enjoy the great sport of Boxing!

@TopRankBoxing @TheWorldofBoxing! @BetweentheRopesTV @BOXXER @SkySportsBoxing @YourBoxingGuide @MatchroomBoxing @DAZNBoxing @ESPN @BTSportBoxing

Watch live on TalkinFight.com or YouTube.com/c/TalkinFight

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