League of Legends: Ranked - Thresh - Placement Match Game 5 of 10 (Plat IV level)

1 year ago

Gwen vs Sion
Rammus vs Master Yi
Ekko vs Ziggs
Kaisa vs Xayah
Nautilus vs Thresh

0:00 Start
We let mid have last pick so he can counter draft.

1:26 First Blood Fight
Xayah pinged tribush so we ambushed Kaisa. I thought Xayah didn't auto but it looks like he did so my bad. Just not enough damage or should have back off while damaging nearest champ. I probably used ignite too early too. Not a promising start...

3:38 Another mistake by me
Nautilus was going to hextech jump over and I stopped him. Yi and I were waiting there sigh...

5:40 Yi Gank
I thought I would last longer but I got killed fast but Xayah and Yi got 2 kills for 1. Apparently if Xayah healed, Yi may have lived.

6:35 Close call
Xayah killed Rammus and almost got out

7:33 Bot fight
We were winning but Rammus came along and we both got killed

10:55 Nautilus caught out
Yi was in enemy jungle and Nautilus was roaming so we caught him out.

11:40 Cloud Drake
Bunch of fights during this time that were not good or neutral for us.

16:35 Engage and Close call
Engaged onto Kaisa and killed him but Nautilus and Ekko arrived and killed Xayah. Yi came and Ziggs TPed and killed them plus Rammus who arrived later. I got out with a sliver of health.

17:47 Water Drake
20:15 T2 Red Turret Fight
We got Kaisa but we lost Yi, Xayah and T2 Turret

22:17 Gwen gets caught
This leads to massive team fight win for us plus Hextech Drake

25:40 Baron
Ekko got caught out so we start Baron.

27:00 Ambush
Caught Ekko and Nautilus which we take down eventually. Hextech Soul was ours.

28:00 Bot and Mid push to Finish the game

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