SP #74- Red Dead Intermission

1 year ago

On the 74th episode of the SKIDS PODCAST;

- Shane's Mom broke her hip.
- Shane almost shot his Mom.
- Hummers are expensive.
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Joe Biden is weird/Biden Jokes during Nashville shooting press conference.
- Nashville Shooting
- Tim's Hawaiian shirt
- New Back To The Future?
-A pool of AIDS
- Slut shaming priest
- Penn & Teller
- Jackass Forever
- Crazy Covid masks
- Intermission songs
- Garfunkle and Oats
- Why Fear Factor was cancelled.
- Red Dead/Westworld
- Letterkenny
- The Other Guys
- IT (Tim Curry version)
- Short stories work better as movies, books better as TV series.

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/JQMpl4Peln8
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Opening Video -
Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13

Velvet Alley Designs -

Coffee Brand Coffee -
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Stephen King's IT Library Scene

#skids #podcast #skidspodcast #garbagepailskids #comedy #reddeadredemption2 #reddeadrevolver #rockstar #videogames #stephenking #IT #timcurry #90s #tvseries #letterkenny #shortstories #westworld #HBO #theotherguys #markwhalberg #willfarrell #joebiden #president #POTUS #politics #backtothefuture #michaeljfox #christopherlloyd #universal #hawaiianshirt #masks #AIDS #pennandteller #jackassforever #intermission #garfunkleandoats #fearfactor #joerogan #JRE #nashville #donkey #hummer #priest #kennyvsspenny

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