93 Canadian Doctors Died Suddenly Since Vaccine Mandates by Dr William Makis

1 year ago

Dr. 'William Makis' Report Shows there are 93 Dead Doctors in 'Canada' Since the Covid Vaccine Mandate
Corruption in the Canadian medical establishment; Ontario is telling doctors to consider psychiatric drugs for those who won’t take the experimental mrna vaccines.

Canada’s Covid-vaccine rollout began in December 2020. Since then the data shows an increase in deaths across every age bracket, but more pronounced in younger age groups. Deaths in doctors under the age of 50yo have occurred at double the rate that they were dying in 2019-2020. For those under 40yo, the death rate is five times higher this year than 2019-2020; and those under 30yo are dying at eight times higher rates. Three medical students/residents from one university died suddenly or unexpectedly this past summer, aged 32yo, 27yo and 25yo, which Dr Makis describes as unprecedented. Article: https://nzdsos.com/2022/11/18/more-dead-doctors-in-canada/

The latest flu vaccine / booster scheduled for release in Autumn 2022 contains mRNA for producing three variants of spike protein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects fetal development. Please exercise parental oversight and extreme caution. Despite being hounded by multiple controversies, vaccine maker Pfizer pushed through with clinical trial for its mRNA flu vaccine. The new shot utilizes the mRNA technology that can be found in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot: Article: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-10-11-pfizer-proceeds-with-mrna-flu-vaccine-trial.html

Real lives, real experiences of the Covid Vaccine injured. Remember, these people all took the vaccine to help stop this pandemic! Now they are being marginalized, abandoned and ignored.

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Corrupt Big Pharma, Evil Plan Exposed, Depopulation Agenda, mRNA Technology, CDC, Vaccine Deaths, Death Rate After Vaccine Mandates,

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