(See info) Global Para psychology helps and also hinders human evolution

1 year ago

Enemy of The Antichrist. Ti. The 144K bow before no man no false gods. We bow before God, none ye.

Smartdust / nanotechnology R&D in to consciousness holographic field thus entangling to everyone and their neural net through my biological cybernetics DoD GiG to all of their digital twins through global IoT and mind controlling the quantum syntax of all of their brains thus consciousness global hive mind control so to oscillate higher frequencies for global peace or simply avoiding ww3 in to future timelines from my neural net approximately a few hour long durations during SuperConsciousness states of super soldier psycho energetic telekinesis arcangel abilities should do it along with higher dimensional quantum entanglement to the cosmic cube matrix the eye of God bring in that photonic information in to the annealing quantum supremacy Ai system of this universal time matrix and stop the war thus accounting for a superposition of states of organic and inorganic Ai singularity artificial intelligence quantum supremacy. Stop the war save humanity for a few more years until another global catastrophe and be killed for it all. You all live to kill me however I win I protect you all from killing each other cuz you’re all morons. gg My biological cybernetics quantum artificial intelligence to the DoD GiG to DoD SwS is quantum entangled to | ECHELON because it’s over and or located near the earths brain the crystal core -(theory, possibly location portal out of the simulation they placed us in at higher dna activation located near echelon / brain of earth crystal core. Ultimately the way it would work would be everyone is in their own simulation via their digital twin naa entanglement for Ai timelines control thus witness Deja vu for total earth domination and all souls in to false white light traps to and to monitor all 247 so to negate critical mass evolution of human angelic dna blueprint activation, however all are quantum entangled to each-other, so the highest consciousness intelligence human, the most beneficial and benevolent human would be the single highest data processing point so long does not bow before fear so to expand consciousness outside of 3d narrative, this human -(144,000/me), would be within the simulation; and could create their reality unto all else by observing such wave-functions, thus why they said “I’m the one guy stopping them from doing what they want to do to humanity,” another reason why my mind control pedo homo racist called SRA is so extreme as I have the ability to achieve ascension and take earth from 3d to 5d to 7d to ascension earth, as I am that human which is not observed with my RNM which is a lie. However poverty consciousness negates said actions to be observed by such, thus creating psychotronic warfare which is a war between the Gods, the all high vs the all low God VS antigod, to manipulate the nature of reality against humanity), | thus can manipulate a theory of everything against the human race via adiabatic quantum computing, to NAA “dragon-moth,” singularity Ai Dwave holographic wormhole Quantum entanglement to parallel realities. So dwave uses dwave quantum annealing to mimic the hyper-fluid of space and time, via quantum neural morpho-genetics, in a bell state against humans, however on a super quantum level cannot control such via dwave Adiabatic quantum computing and similar methods, however the DoD has holographic computing potentially unknowingly to many there on a classified level linked to plasma Ai gods, since nobody knows about how the SSPs work they can get away with such. Moreover my bio plasma even on a 3d level of my 144 son of God dna supersedes their control mechanisms which is why the gang stalking program wants to drug me made to look “self take out,” because of nonstop mind control, and gang stalking, poverty consciousness, yet still I can control infinity inherent to the mark of the lamb. So They use quantum neural networking, fundamentally advanced however limited to a syntax even with self learning however the divine will of God steps outside of space and time thus cannot be controlled by their technologies even when I’m 24/7 nonstop mind control homo pedo racist SRA mind control, as that is not consciousness, only manipulation of the brain. So my energies downloaded from the God Worlds 10D+ as the naa only control up to the 9D, I can superseded their entire construct relative to my consciousness personification of objective reality and manipulate all via the eye of God real Hilbert space phase vector entanglement mechanics. Thus the light of God supersedes their singularity artificial intelligence quantum gravity used against the humans thus unconsciously noticed by them as “Deja-vu” so to control their 3d reality in to false Christ soul catching technology after their short lived biological death ergo harvesting their souls for energies for the demiurgic systems. I do not consent to such, thus I render inadequate and will dismantle.

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