The Dawn of Everything: David Graeber, David Wengrow, and me in a white pickup with my Black Pill

1 year ago

Guys, guys, it's not so bad. It's the International Geophysical Year.

We can have our technocake and eat it in freedom, and prosperity too!

A post-capitalist Society with a truly level playing field planted with opportunity is possible. There'll be Spandex jackets, one for everyone. You will trade your homegrown organic barley for an iPhone 24 and all the bad people will be dead, or reformed and contrite. Even the billionaires. It's the Paradise Earth and even the lions and snakes will eat nothing but vegan grass.

Call it Heaven or call it a vertically built condominium financed by philanthropists and sage phiilosopher-kings, but for God's sake don't call it late for dinner lol!

This video brought to you by the truly humane (we mean it this time, no PR bullshit) folks at Progress Incorporated, which is of course a worker-owned cooperative that practices sustainability, woke equality, and karmic doublespeak that would make even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Lauren Boebert both blush like a hussy brides; that's a fact of Science.


If I was sane and rational, I'd be depressed as fuck right now. But I'm not. Why is that? I don't know but for all the good bad god devil reasons

I'm the other kind.


If you'd like a good general overview of the ideas of Wengrow (&Graeber), you can check out his TED talk (I'm not making that up):

A New Understanding of Human History and the Roots of Inequality | David Wengrow | TED

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