The vaccines are NOT medical products, but MILITARY products, Sasha Latypova, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

1 year ago

“… these [vaccines] are NOT medical products.” “These [vaccines] are [military] countermeasures.” “In addition to Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), they are using another set of laws that allow them to contract under Other Transaction Authority (OTA).” “The [U.S.] Department of Defense is fully in charge of [everything regarding the vaccines].” “Other Transaction Authority (OTA)… is designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons… without paying attention to any… regulatory authority.” “They have taken that authority, and applied it to the vaccines.” “[The vaccine is] NOT a medical product.” “FDA has NO authority over it.” “CDC has NO authority over it.” “[U.S.] Military is… manufacturing [the vaccine]. It’s all a huge military operation.” “The involvement of the drug companies is ‘window dressing’…” “They essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting [a vaccine] from Pfizer and Moderna…” “The distribution and manufacturing is done by the military.” “And the pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it, and PRETEND to do clinical trials which have NO legal significance.” “There were a series of laws put in place that allowed the military to take over distribution of vaccine…” “Under a provision that does NOT allow any clinical trials and does NOT allow any safety testing.” “The safety testing that we did see, was… ‘theater’ [meaningless]…” “That is why they were able to take all these shortcuts because it was meaningless theater.” “… these [vaccines] are NOT medical products.” “These [vaccines] are [military] countermeasures.” Sasha Latypova tells Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on 16 Mar 2023.

The full interview, which is EXCELLENT, is posted here:

Source : Larry Hobbs, Fat News

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