U.S. Government putting mRNA vaccines in our meats, foods. NO JOKE

1 year ago

The mRNA technology, that has killed and injured many people who were fooled into taking the FAKE covid VACCINE, is now being put into meats, and other foods, without giving us any choices again. Hope all of you learnd from SCAM1, and will not be tricked into SCAM2. They will keep doing as they want, and ramming the NWO order down our throats. Do not be fooled by there advertising it wont happen til 2030. It started in 2020 with Scam1 and covid, and soon they will be doing again. Who the heel does Bill Gates think he is, telling the people what they have to do..... Pretty ironic that before 2020, over 1000 years, we never had any pandemics cause by coronavirus, and before big pharma was even born. THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE, join our movement, save your children, grandchildren, family and friends from another holocaust. GOD made us to be able to survive, we do ot need idiots like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and big pharma

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