West To The Ocean || The Ultimate Road Trip || Summer 2017

1 year ago

Finally talked myself into continuing with The Ultimate Road Trip, a four month road trip from Texas to Alaska and back. It's more of a collection of photos and video rather than something more fleshed out, mostly because I didn't originally intend for this content to be put into video form. But, since I get so much inspiration and motivation from other people's vanlife and truck camper videos, I thought I'd try to cobble something together and share my adventures with whoever happens to stumble across my channel. Maybe someday, a huge maybe, it might be something more, but for now this is the format most of my videos will be in. Enjoy.
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Everything looked great and was full screen in the preview but when it rendered it compressed the images. I honestly have no idea where I went wrong. I worked on this issue for three whole days and nothing I tried nor any of the tutorials I found online worked. Unfortunately, because the images are smaller, some of the words aren't where I originally intended them to be. I got the newer version of the video editing program I used on the other videos thinking it would be better, but it's really not. It also has some issues I can't find answers to. It's beyond frustrating. :/ Anywho, if you hit the full screen option on Youtube, maybe that will help. As for now I consider this video done. Maybe I can figure out what went wrong with the next one, or try a different program. Fingers crossed.
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Brett Young - You Aint Here To Kiss Me (On truck radio)

Hang Gliding by Ron Gelinas Chillout Lounge | https://soundcloud.com/atmospheric-music-portal
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/duskloup/
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Affordable and Creative Journals and Notebooks: https://www.amazon.com/author/duskloupdesigns
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