Missiles deployed to Nansei chain, Japan's defense to China explained #japan #missile

1 year ago

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Japan's Defense Ministry is ramping up its military presence on the Nansei chain of islands in the country's southwest as part of its efforts to counter China's increasing military activities in the region.

The Defense Ministry has deployed missile units on the islands of Amami Oshima, Miyako, and Ishigaki, and is planning to deploy more units in the future. The ministry is also considering deploying long-range missiles on the Nansei islands, which are close to China.

The deployment of missile units is part of Japan's plan to acquire counterattack capabilities to strike enemy bases. The ministry is strengthening the defense of the Nansei region because it is the gateway to the Pacific for China. Chinese military ships and aircraft have been spotted frequently in the region.

The deployment of missile units has raised concerns among local communities who fear that they may be targeted first if a conflict breaks out. The city assembly on Ishigaki Island has already voted to oppose the deployment of long-range missiles to the island.

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