Kari Lake Trial #5: Rich Baris (pollster) Day 2, Jovan commentary

1 year ago

I put together a 3 min. highlight reel, then @JCOne's full stream of Baris' testimony (at 1.25x), then Jovan Pulitzer watches the end of Liddy's cross examination and reviews. I cut most of the cross examination, it was long and boring. Pulitzer covers everything you need to know about it.

Critical to the argument on disenfranchised Election Day voters because Baris puts a number on the voters who couldn't vote because of the 2 hour lines. The 19-inch resized images had a cascading effect: first there are the voters who couldn't get their ballot to feed and used Door 3, accepted a provisional, or went to vote at another location only to be told they were never checked out and nothing can be done about it now. Then there are voters who successfully scanned their ballot, only to have the vote center send EVERYTHING to be re-tabulated at MCTEC as if they were Door 3 ballots. This happened at 40 vote centers (see Shelby Busch AZ Senate testimony) and didn't correlate to the number that couldn't be read, meaning they were rescanning entire vote centers that didn't have significant tabulation problems.

Then there were the voters who never made it to the front of the line to vote. Baris estimates 25-40,000 of them (Hobbs 17k win margin).

Great analysis from Pulitzer. Liddy challenged the R turnout on Election Day, citing the high number of Democrats who supposedly voted by mail/dropbox. Everyone here knows these are phantom voters and Pulitzer explains pretty well that a lot of the D turnout came from activating 180k VOTERS WHO HADN'T VOTED in 10 YEARS. You can learn more at https://ugetube.com/watch/jhp-explains-eric-roll-fungibility-and-dead-voters-on-the-rolls_kSvv3GFDeRVv6YP.html

Richard Baris runs People's Pundit Daily and Big Data Poll. He's been polling for a while and he's one of the best. I heard some of his predictions were misses due to the rampant election fraud and he was unfairly criticized for that. It was Baris who first posted the R-D Maricopa heatmap in the thumbnail. He's a pollster, not a political operative posing as one, which is rare today.

#jovanpulitzer #karilake

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