#mangia #nonna #fuelyourbody Homemade Marinara Sauce With Raviolis On The Side

1 year ago

For 2 servings
One pound of plum tomatoes
One and 1/2 garlic cloves
One and 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil or avocado oil
Pinch of parsley
Pinch of salt
Punch of pepper
Pinch of oregano
Fresh Basil


In a pan on medium heat add oil and chopped garlic. Then lower to low heat and add chopped tomatoes to pot and cook for for twenty minutes until tomatoes are cooked down. Lumpy texture is normal. If the lumpy tomatoes start to stick add half a cup of water. Then add salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, and basil. Serve with raviolis and side salad with lite vinaigrette dressing

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