Understanding Church Sound Systems

1 year ago

Your church sound system may seem complicated, but when you understand how all the parts work together, it’s a lot simpler to understand.

Download your free guide: How to Lead Your Church Sound Team https://www.attawayaudio.com/get-your-free-guide-how-to-lead-your-church-sound-team

00:00 Intro
00:28 How sound systems are a lot like a bus
00:45 Leadership & Inputs
01:20 What makes a great mix for your church?
02:06 Listen to music with your sound team
02:18 Clear directions on who's in charge
02:38 Is it the sound tech or the band?
03:01 Live vocal pitch correction
03:29 Who's driving?
03:46 Who's your problem solver?
04:12 Wanted vs. unwanted sound
04:53 Understand the value of your role
05:54 Serve the personal preference of your church leadership
06:30 How loud is too loud?
07:02 Know the order of the service
07:25 Using faders to get the level right
07:59 Equalization and compression
08:43 Write out written directions
09:38 Have a base scene on your mixing console
11:19 Achieving even coverage
13:34 Signal flow bus analogy
14:55 Free guide: How to lead your church sound team

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