1 year ago

CRISIS ACTORS FOR DAYS...........yeah how Whitmer comes in right as this happens, this bitch fuckin had a fed op ready to kidnap her for political gain fuck this stupid cunt if she thinks were this stupid, pay a bunch of loser college kids to "help their cause" hire some crisis actors , police are def in on this with that bs acting .....wait all the survivors are gonna have book deals and shit , and don't forget the sandy hook survivor was also there on campus magiklys , from them over mentioning door barricades and other fuckin odd ball speech that commies use for gun control narratives , like go look this note chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ and tell me a 43year old black male wrote this.... it fuckin sounds and looks like some woketard made it in there 20's , i might make a part 2 cause im connecting other dots im looking into who the people were "victims" , as of right now its turn out to be alot harder then it should for people who were all over the news and supposedly had "socail media presents" this is like that Gabby Petito case when they says she was a youtuber and infulencer but then you check on her shit like this arielle chicks and they have like this odd posting and like no content compared to others like myself who's a no one and i got more shit going on then them it seems so seems super sus like all millennials have like their wholes lives on the internet so how am i to believe college kids didnt , i could beleive the the McCrea the shooter if he was crazy like they are saying but thats a far reach , for someone who is supposedly lonely but yet had a group of people who will kill with him makes no sense or why fuckin bring a note outing your plans people who are dispirit for attention will seek it out , people who are depressed will do the opposite and close off so what the fuck is it that caused this , it doesn't add up more you look at the this , no one technically heard shots they all kept just telling one another texting , plus the gun fire the girls said other shooters and they pooped off 45 min walk apart, the dood only jason walked so not like he sprinted and the the bodies were all in one building .... this is a shit show of a hoax the FBI isnt even trying and i think its on purpose to get people like us who notice this shit so they can point to us and say were nutty so is the concept so the psyop works cause itll make people not wanna look into it.... i fuckin hate buzz words

over looked something completely when doing this ..... the school campus students got an alert text ..... it fuckin said "run, hide, fight ..... no one would be able to do that who is a civilian, that panic text was the "fire in the movie theater" or some kind of cue and this could of only been mass texted by some kind of facility or gov official, "an emergency socail media blast" more like the Facebook bots (aka the fed) fuckin sent it out like yell firing, i dont think these kids even heard gun shots...... [show less]

Yuri Bezmenov defected from the soviets to warned us of all the shady shit they would play on us

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