Thelepaty Server

1 year ago

Telepathy still holds in the group of supernatural activities, but soon these keys will become part of the common science to enable collective enjoyment. Of course it depends on overcoming so much falsehood inherent in human relations, but in accepting telepathy will also accept the sending and receipt of true information. So while watching this video know that this server is a means to this end, of what you are already able to do, just not yet accepted.

Bearing in mind that this channel in English serves to keep in touch, just for those who have not yet accessed my material in Portuguese with the subtitles that Youtube offers in their language, here you can contact me specifically about each video here directly in English.
It is important to explain this because, just like I do in Portuguese, every Sunday I launch an unprecedented option using a name that is in the book, among the hundreds of names and purposes. If you have not yet purchased or borrowed the ebook or print, the link can be accessed below:

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But you can also purchase other works on related topics through the links, such as:

Prosperity Pacts with Daemons: Yes, you can...
https ://

Sex Pacts with Daemons: Suggestions to use in Grimorium Verum; Carpe Nicrum and Grimoire Goétia

IMP Love: Modern Method to Operate Diabretes

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