Yield To God

1 year ago

I am sure, without a doubt that there are not many of us who feel very challenged right now. Our national cultures are all in a state of flux and things we have known our whole lives as being wrong are lifted up as being right, there is only justice for those who lean into the political flavor of the day and have no opinion on how it tastes, just how they are told: You like this… then they say: I like this. Our society of human beings trying to cancel God, His ways, truth and life is exploding, because without Him, the ugly truth is, we are not good, the political flavor of the day doesn’t taste good, yet every news channel you turn, you hear the same prescript political mindless false narrative. “This isn’t bad, it is good, this isn’t good, its bad”! Anyone who doesn’t follow the script, you are cancelled this makes for a life-less society of brainless people who do as they are told, who listen to “a story” and not “the” story and believe the deception being spoon fed them without even searching for what is true.

This kind of cancel God culture, this is exactly why Jesus was killed for something he did not do, because the cancel Jesus crowd was swayed by an angry mob yelling “Crucify Him”! Why? What has He done wrong? Oh, He has done whatever “they” said He did. We think that “we know what we know” but truly know nothing yelling “Crucify Him” riding on the coattails of an angry mob. Whenever deception is in control, everyone suffers.

Jesus, God Incarnate, could have escaped all of this, but He was on mission, serving us, saving us, that He yielded to the plan of God, and in all meekness (power under control) He was beaten and crucified for absolutely no good reason. It was evil using people that put Him on that cross, people who had yielded to their humanity and not to God. We are at our best when we have yielded our life to God, when we are not yielded, we corrupt, our human condition fails forward and we can see in our history as a human race that our corruption is absolutely horrendous.

Human beings are capable of evil beyond measure, even to the point of plotting to kill an innocent man, beating him to a pulp, and not only crucifying Him with ropes, but going to the extreme of nailing his feet and hands to the cross, a cross He did nothing to deserve to be on. Human being, we are capable of horrific things apart from God and influenced by the evil of satan who wants to kill, steal and destroy us, we put to death the One GOD, Who wanted to love us, save us for all eternity. Us without God, nations that are not “Under God” it is not pretty, in fact it is ugly and leans into some really bad times of suffering for all people. People taking illegitimate authority over others, walking in the light of a man made fire that flames out… these are going to be dark times of suffering. We need God. We need to return to Him, to His way, truth and life. Otherwise our suffering will be great.

Dig Deeper: Life Is A Beautiful Agony As Jesus’ Life Purposefully Was! His Passion Is An Undeserved Cross, Suffering That Should Have Been Ours. We Are Fallen And Wounded By Our Human Condition And Jesus Bled Into Our Wounds, His Blood And Healed Us Eternally So! https://thebridegroomscafe.com/how-love-wins/

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