Article Video - The Credit, Bankruptcy and "Asset Offset" Frauds By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - The Credit, Bankruptcy and "Asset Offset" Frauds - Friday, April 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Having fully realized that what poses for our government is merely two giant foreign Municipal Corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" and that these were never anything but federal Subcontractors ----not ever our actual government, provides the context for understanding all the malfeasance, violence, and fraud that has gone on here and abroad as a result of their racketeering and war-profiteering.

The most halcyon service the banks could provide to humanity is to turn the accounts of these Municipal Corporations off, and turn our accounts -- which have long been kept as "off-ledger accounts" -- back on. We can then provide the actual asset backing needed to trade in money, not credit, and the criminals will be forestalled from any more mischief, because their accounts, which are all based on our credit, will be frozen.

Such action is justified for an entire country for the same reason it is justified when a human credit card hacker is discovered pilfering someone's account. As we have noted, both the assets and the credit developed from those assets belong to the actual owners -- the States and people of this country, not Municipal Subcontractors.

So that everyone understands, the federal Subcontractors, these two giant run amok Municipal "Services" Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia, are restricted to operating on credit, while our actual states are restricted to operating on gold and silver by the federal Constitutions that allow these Municipal Corporations to exist. This is the reason that they have been so single-minded in seeking collateral to justify credit and the reason they have been dealing in debt-notes in a debt-credit system.

When our States and people were reported "missing, presumed lost" in the aftermath of the Civil War, the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors declared a phony "state of emergency" and equally phony "Emergency Powers" never granted to them. Operating under these presumptions of power and asserting that they were our Trustees, they seized upon every bit of collateral in sight, and even eventually (Buck Act, 1940) "securitized" and claimed ownership of our living bodies by falsifying our political status.

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