Loneliness, Biblical Counseling

1 year ago

Did you mention that you were single and dating not very much? Are you feeling lonely? The strange thing about loneliness is that one can feel that way even in a crowd of other people. I have felt that way when at a party where I really didn't know anyone. I just sort of stood there by myself while others mingled in small circles. Would you consider yourself shy at times? Let me be honest with you, there are things I like about shy people. I like the humility for one. Instead of always wanting to be the center of attention, a shy person says, "no, you go ahead and sing the song" or "you can say the prayer." I admire that quality very much. It might be a good exercise to build your confidence around others, by taking steps to be a bit more outgoing, as well. Gently smile at others with a friendly acceptance. Use the other person's name. Listen to what the other person's interests are and compliment someone when you see a quality or virtue. The Lord said, "be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another" Romans 12:10.

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