Lucid Dreaming Technique | Integration

1 year ago

Seeking Opportunities for Integration

This lucid dreaming technique comes from Stephen Laberges book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” and can be found in more detail there.

This technique is a technique that is used to face and deal with psychological problems through the Lucid state.

The first thing you should do is firmly resolve to seek out a problem the next time you are in a lucid dream.

Resolve that you will face whatever comes with courage and openness and that will face head on until you either accept it or it no longer becomes a problem.

The next step is to have a lucid dream. You can find methods for this in my other videos, in Stephen Laberges books or in any number of other places.

Once you are in the dream state your intention to face the problem you have decided upon.

Look around for anything that might be a manifestation of this problem.

The manifestation might not always be straightforward or obvious but a good guide for finding these problems in your dream is by identifying the part of the dream that seems the most unpleasant or the part you want to go towards the least, often this is where you will find the manifestation of your true psychological problems.

Once you have identified where this problem has likely manifested you should approach it head on, with an open and honest disposition.

Face whatever it may be with a genuine desire to either improve or accept whatever you may face. Remember whatever arises in your dream is a part of you.

Do not turn away from this manifestation until you are comfortable with whatever it is you are facing.

Remind yourself that whatever happens, you can handle it.

Once you have resolved your problem, immediately reward yourself with whatever seems best. You can do this either in the dream or while awake. By doing this it will make it easier and more desirable to face whatever problems you may have in the future.

Music Credits

Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

Boogie Party by Kevin MacLeod |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

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