Accountability with Jim Cosmas

1 year ago

Does Your Services Team Suck? Here's Why It's 100% Your Fault

Are you frustrated with your team's performance? Do they constantly show up late and fail to meet expectations? Well, it's time to stop blaming them and take responsibility for your leadership.

I recently came across a post from an owner of an HVAC company. He was frustrated with his team, particularly their inability to show up on time. Here's the harsh truth: if your team isn't performing, it's because you haven't set a level of accountability.

As a leader, you set the precedent for what is acceptable. Your team follows your lead. If you haven't set clear non-negotiables and established a culture of accountability, then don't expect much from your team. It's time to get clear with your non-negotiables and establish clear parameters around what is permissible.

Stop making excuses for your team's shortcomings and take ownership. Start by taking a hard look at your leadership and making the necessary changes.

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