Charlotte Iserbyt Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed (2011)

1 year ago

19:16 mark- Charlotte Iserbyt talks about how she met Researcher Antony C Sutton and the fact that her father & Grandfather were both members of the SKULL & BONES SECRET SOCIETY from Yale University and she had the Skull & Bones membership book (From her dying father) that she lent to Antony C Sutton and once he got the book and saw all the MOVERS & SHAKERS of the PAST & CURRENT Skull & Bones members which tied all his research together showing the INVISIBLE coordination behind the scenes. Organized!

George HW Bushs father Prescott Bush was involved in the FASCIST TAKEOVER ATTEMPT in the early 1930's during the Great Depression that General Smedley Butler exposed in 1934. Prescott Bush had his BANK taken away in 1941 by President FDR under "TRADING WITH THE ENEMY" Act as they were doing business with Hitlers Nazis but they never get punished and he got his bank back after the war and these people continue to get away with everything and are above the law.

Charlotte Iserbyt wrote the book "The Deliberate DUMBING DOWN of America". She knew the agenda due to her father being a Skull & Bones member and her own research.
"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail Hardcover-- September 1, 1999- by Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt (Author)

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