Shala and the Twelve on the Star Cards

1 year ago

Was striving to do this as a live but figured I would ask them anyway. Their answer is fading like a dream but the star cards answers I sort of remember to the card Hiraeth a longing for home a return to the stars . They said we should create the home we long for that is what we came here to do. They we aid us by sending more good vibrations back u at us the even said to call on the arcturians and said they work through the Galactic federations of planets . they other card pulled in this was the Star brothers they talked about safety should be faced wiht a knowledge that you are safe and protected to use your intuition when baroding a plane or a train. They also talked about Donald Trump was a hybrid and his wife Melania is a pleiadian in a immersion pod operating a hybrid pleiadian.

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